Why Hurry Over Beautiful Things?

It’s safe to say that yesterday morning was one of the most beautiful times I have experienced in awhile.

I woke up around 9 am, lounged until about 9:30 am, got ready and headed outside. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. Sunny, not a cloud in the sky, birds chirping, 70 degrees…beautiful. I had made a decision to fore-go mass today because I wanted some alone time outside with just God and I. The day was too beautiful to not take this opportunity! There is a stunning garden about a 2-minute walk from the convent, so I decided to go there. The garden sits on the edge of the cliff, overlooking lower Orvieto and the mountainous landscape. It’s picturesque, to say the least. I planted myself on the old, stone wall overlooking the edge, and spent some time in the Word. I read Romans 6, which talks all about being free from the power of sin because of Christ. We no longer live under the control of our sinful ways, but rather under the freedom of His grace. I think that’s pretty amazing, and I definitely feel His grace everyday! Also, there is just something about spending time with God surrounded by nature. I don’t know how to explain it, but it is just an awesome feeling.

After I was finished with my little personal church service, I sketched a bit and enjoyed the sun. Then I went off to Montanucci’s for a pastry and cappuccino. It was crazy busy in there because there was a race for the kids this morning, so everyone was out and about! Food being given out, balloons for sale, kids EVERYWHERE, people chatting…it was so fun to have so many people out! I came out of Montanucci’s, and there was a flower shop staring me in the face. I see it every time I am around that area, and always want to buy flowers. Today, however, I had no CHOICE but to buy flowers. Seriously. No. Choice. The flowers were actually begging to be purchased, so obviously I HAD to get them. I mean, c’mon, look at how beautiful they look sitting in my windowsill!Image

I spent my last hour before lunch doing ground studies for my book. What are ground studies you may ask? Well the whole underlying theme of my book is based on the ground of Orvieto, so I have been studying the different materials and such of the variety of grounds here. So I have my sketchbook to sketch out the ground, write down a description of the ground, and then walk around on it with bare feet to get a true feel for it. I got a lot of stares during that last part. Call me weird, but it’s for the sake of art!!!

Then it was lunchtime, so Jordan, Rachel, and I went on a picnic in the garden. We made guacamole last night, so we brought that, tortilla chips, sausage & cheese from the market, fresh baked bread, dried fruit, Coca-Colas, and cookies & Nutella! We sat outside for about an hour and a half, and it was so lovely!


It was so great; I enjoyed so many beautiful things!

Why hurry over beautiful things? Why not linger and enjoy them?